Analysis of butyrylcholinestrase activity in female cotton pickers

Analysis of butyrylcholinestrase activity in female cotton pickers
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Pakistan’s economy is based on agriculture and females provide more labour input in production of major crops such as rice, wheat and cotton as compared to males. They work for longer hours in the fields along with performing their household chores. In Punjab participation of females is highest in cotton production; in majority of areas females are exclusively involved in cotton picking activity. Females while picking cotton do not bother about precautionary measures to avoid from harmful effects disposed off by pesticides used in these fields, with which they come in contact via skin or other routes of entry. In order to probe into the matter that how this exposure to pesticides creating problem in exposed females ,Serum BChE level could be a reliable method.BChE is very sensitive enzyme for measurement of pesticides poisoning. Serum BChE show various levels of inhibition. These levels are, 20-50%, 80-90% and over 90% which directly relates to mild, moderate, and sever poisoning respectively.


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