Australian Contextual Models of Pastoral Ministry

Australian Contextual Models of Pastoral Ministry
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Australian historical images – the Aborigine, convict, bushman, gold digger, Anzac ‘digger’, and migrant – are a fruitful source for developing local models of ministry. Spiritual companions help people relate faith to everyday life. This model resonates with Aboriginal sensitivity to the sacred, and is at home with the Australian longing for everyday spirituality articulated by social commentators such as Michael Leunig. Chaplains get alongside people, although colonial chaplains were seen more as distant moral policemen and their evangelism was limited by their government employment. Shepherding was at home in the rural setting of the colonies, and continues to meaningfully express the nurturing aspects of local church ministry. The labour movement and the Australian value of a fair go suggest ministry as prophetic advocacy; and ministry as service fits Australian humanitarianism, the Anzac spirit and servant leadership. Finally, ministers as community hosts reflect God’s hospitality and the multicultural ethos of Australia. Pastoral ministry can be imagined and expressed by various models, and the most effective models for Australia will derive from and critique local culture.


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