Autoimmune Oral Lesions

Autoimmune Oral Lesions
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A thorough knowledge and understanding of possible causative agents and pathogenesis of autoimmunity is of paramount importance to a clinician to enable prevention, permit an informed diagnosis, and successfully manage autoimmune diseases. Thus, this book “Autoimmune Oral Lesions” highlights the current concepts of etiopathogenesis (with emphasis on molecular aspects), and relevant details of each autoimmune lesion occurring in the mouth. This would also contribute for clinicians to understand the lesion, formulate an accurate diagnosis and to administer suitable treatment. Salient Features: • Basics of Immunology • Complete molecular mechanisms of autoimmunity • Classification of Autoimmune Oral Lesions • In depth knowledge regarding the molecular aspects underlying the pathogenesis of individual autoimmune lesions • Clinical data and laboratory investigations with emphasis on histopathology related to various autoimmune oral lesions


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