Critical Thinking in Madrasa and Government Schools

Critical Thinking in Madrasa and Government Schools
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The history of thinking process is as old as the education itself. It has been rooted with both the formal and informal education. This God-gifted ability strongly rooted with the human history. Thinking is highlighted more in ancient Greek, especially when the great scholar Socrates tended in modern discussions to be associated with a particular idea of teaching: one that is based on questions, and involves no direct transfer of information but rather allows the pupil to see the truth (Rowe as cited in Palmer, 2001). Socrates believes in the importance of reasoning things out. In his point of view, the best source for accepting any claim was the solid reasoning (Rowe, 2001). Aristotle also agrees with Socrates’ idea and defines a man “a rational animal” (Hobson as cited in Palmer, 2001). Both the scholars view not only focused on thinking but also elaborate beyond it. For example, the use of reasoning skill in thinking process leads to a deep thinking rather thinking at surface.


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