Dental age, Bone age and Chronological age in Short Stature Children

Dental age, Bone age and Chronological age in Short Stature Children
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Язык: Русский
The knowledge of dental age, bone age and chronological age will provide more comprehensive patient care in dentistry.There is justifiable emphasis on the relationship between dental, bone and chronological ages.Medicine and Dentistry has currently embarked upon an era of biological ages (dental and bone age)that is drastic departure from legal age (chronological age). Dental age and bone age is useful in dentistry to formulate treatment plan and it’s useful as an additional source of information in the field of Orthopedics, Orthodontics, Pediatrics, Endocrinology, Hematology, Forensics and Anthropology. In this text the step by step method is designed to determine dental and bone age based upon tooth calcification and skeletal maturation of hand wrist bones. This book contains well illustrated high quality pictures, diagrams and graphs which provide vivid and lucid details. Thus, the book is oriented to provide essential knowledge and understanding of bone and dental maturation, and it caters to the needs of medical and dental Undergraduates and also very helpful to the Post graduate research students in medicine and dentistry to carry out research on dental age and bone age.


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