Growth of Pinus pumila, locality Oblacnaya, Russia

Growth of Pinus pumila, locality Oblacnaya, Russia
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The work “Growth of Pinus pumila, in locality Oblacnaya, Russia- analysis of wood samples” mainly focuses on the presentation of the unique characteristics of this tree. In its literary review, it describes the dendrological characteristics, from the physical description, towards its genetic character, means of reproduction, ecology, climate and growth factors.. The second part of the literary review presents the scientific discipline of Dendrochronology, its main principles, which are important for the practical part of this work. The aim of the work is to observe different growth characteristics of the Siberian dwarf pine, on three different localities, each connected to one world side (north, west, east). Through the use of dendrochonological methods, especially the measurement of annual ring thickness and the analysis of variance, we are able to compare, whether the individual trees on one locality resemble the same growth patterns or not. Towards the end of this work, the localities are compared between each other, with the aim to find whether trees on different localities show similar growth patterns.


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