Honeybee colonies and Beekeeping Production systems in North Ethiopia

Honeybee colonies and Beekeeping Production systems in  North Ethiopia
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Beekeeping is an essential environmental contribution to the planet's Eco-systems. If bees are disappear, a host of crops would fail. Food shortages would follow. The humble honey bee helps to feed the world. There is a long tradition of beekeeping in north Ethiopia. It serves as sources of cash, food and medication for the rural community. Now day’s emphasis is given to improve the sub-sector by the GO’s and NGO’s in the country and as a result number of small holder farmers and investors are eager to involve in beekeeping. However, there was lack of knowledge in the performance of the existing honey bee colonies and opportunities and constraints of the production systems in different agro-ecologies. Hence, Girmay Murutse has conducted study on characterization of bee colonies in terms of their behavior and productivity and opportunities and constraints of beekeeping Production systems in highland, midland and lowland. He has recommended selection based bee colony multiplication and beekeeping productions in correspond to different agro-ecologies.


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