In God's Presence: Conquering Addiction through Dance

In God's Presence:  Conquering Addiction through Dance
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Язык: Русский
Alexia L. Jones was in her early stages of recovery from an addiction to powder cocaine when she discovered the healing power of Christian-based dance. In 1995 Jones, a former professional dancer began using dance as a personal, physical expression of worship. During her private, daily process of prayer and praise and worship of God through dance, Jones learned that her dancing encouraged her sobriety. Her continued abstinence from drugs was a by-product of her dancing, which fostered spiritual, physiological and psychological healing. She credited dance, undergirded by her faith in God, as the tool that sustained her. The Beracha Dance Institute was born out of her revelatory experiences concerning the healing power of worshipful dance. Jones’ simple act of allowing other women to participate in her process of worship led to the inadvertent development of a therapeutic dance application that proved beneficial to women in recovery.


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