Infinite Consanguinity

Infinite Consanguinity
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Язык: Русский
Controversial during his lifetime, Hart Crane came to be known throughout the 20th century as one of the most influential poets in American modernism. Visionary in nature, rich and complex in style, his work represents an important achievement in modern literature in which the Elizabethan tradition in verse meets with the Symbolist and Surrealist innovations, all based on Crane’s own idiosyncratic and unique aesthetic views. Despite its importance, Crane’s recognition outside the United States of America has been irregular. This book focuses on the translation of one of Crane’s most significant works, the six-poem suite “Voyages,” into Portuguese. In addition to the Portuguese version of this work, this book presents a detailed discussion on Crane’s lyrical poetry, his aesthetic views and his own debates with important literary figures of his time, such as T. S. Eliot and Allen Tate, as well as commentaries on the process of translating Crane’s masterpiece into Portuguese, in which the poetic resources and particularities of the two languages are contrasted and compared. Infinite Consanguinity is a contribution to the fields of literary criticism and translation studies.


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