Managing Changes in the 21st Century Libraries & Information Centres

Managing Changes in the 21st Century Libraries & Information Centres
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Язык: Русский
This book will be helpful to various readers who require basic and concise knowledge of change management as it affects library and information centres. The first chapter lucidly treats what constitutes the concept of change management while chapter two of the book focuses on the contemporary issues in change management. Chapter three shed lights on change management methods and chapter four discusses change management in library and information centres. Chapter five examines the position of librarians and management of change while chapter six deals with preservation of digitized information and requirements at the time of change. Chapter seven treats articulating vision and change by ensuring that the objectives and mission statement of the organization is kept sacrosanct even in the face of change. Chapter eight explicitly discusses why change management fails and presents some antidotes to such failure in library and information centres. Chapter nine finally discusses how to make the most of the change management bearing in mind that change management must be driven by a clear definition of employees’ commitment to new goals in terms that everyone could understand and act on.


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