Municipal Waste Plastics to Different Categories of Fuel

Municipal Waste Plastics to Different Categories of Fuel
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Язык: Русский
Waste plastics found in our landfill are renewable energy sources that are capable of producing energy. After plastics are used and discarded, they become a problem for the environment and they are very troublesome to get rid of. Waste plastics are non-biodegradable so, they occupy landfill for a long period of time. When waste plastic come in contact with light and starts photo degrading, it starts releasing harmful compounds like carbon monoxide, nitrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in to the atmosphere. Drastic actions are taken against waste plastics management by city authorities all over the world. NSR has developed a thermal cracking method with fractional distillation to convert waste plastics into a liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The thermal degradation of waste plastic was studied at moderate temperatures 100-450 °C under an atmosphere and under atmospheric pressure using a-batch process operation. The products obtain five different category liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The average yield of produce fuels 90%, gas 6% and residue 4% and no catalytic process. The fuel can be produced at low cost, since the resource is already at disposal.


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