Performance of Bangladesh Construction Industry in Economic Growth

Performance of Bangladesh Construction Industry in Economic Growth
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Язык: Русский
Bangladesh is a developing country with a per capita GDP of approximately US$500 per annum. The country’s economy is mainly based on agriculture. However, this scenario has gradually been changing since 1990. A construction boom started in the country after 1990 owing to the necessity for industrial buildings, corporate offices, housing units, roads and other types of infrastructure. Bangladesh has made major progress in recent years, with sustained macroeconomic stability. The Government of Bangladesh has been pursuing a policy of promoting a competitive market-based economy through financial and industrial policy reforms, as well as trade liberalization.Major challenges faced by the Bangladesh construction sector in this context relate to how to improve the local technological capacity through technology transfer, enhance competition in the domestic market and improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises through efficiency gains. In this book the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Bangladesh construction industry are identified. The business process for local and foreign firms are included with an emphasis on methods of tendering and taxation process.


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