Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Electronic Product Design

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Electronic Product Design
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Язык: Русский
The research project originated from previous experience using radio frequency identification. The rapid pace in which the technology is progressing has generated much interest in industries looking to increase productivity and energy efficiency. Subsequently the aim of the research project was to investigate how the technology could be used to improve design within the lighting industry. In order to research this aim fully, the overarching title was identified as; ‘The use of radio frequency identification and the applications allocated to it within the lighting industry.’ The research was conducted in three key stages. The first stage involved a thorough literature review covering the current uses of RFID; smart buildings; and RFID lighting. In depth investigations of case studies focussed on the use of RFID in smart buildings and the integrated lighting systems in which it has been used. This was instrumental in gaining an insight into the key objectives of the research. The final stage consisted of interviews with industry personnel to gain a more in depth understanding of current drivers and issues.


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