Researching Solutions to Ensure the Effective Excavation of the Drifts

Researching Solutions to Ensure the Effective Excavation of the Drifts
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In Vietnam, in the next time, mechanization in excavation and support drift is the indispensable trend to meet the demand of the coal sector.Because of the difficult geological condition, little experience, lacking of the complete study about roadheader, the machine can not perform it full advantage. If we want to create the original premises, we have to prove that we are completely able to effectively apply the machine in the coal sector in our country. As a result, the main goals of our study are collecting the experiences from other countries, analyzing the causes to draw the solutions for ensuring the effectiveness of the roadheader. With this trend, the major goal of the project is focusing on finding the solutions for working the drift effectively with the AM- 45 roadheader in the DongVong coal company following these steps: • The overview about the technology and the improvement in mining with the roadheader all over the world and in Viet Nam • Evaluating the status of excavating the audits by the AM- 45 roadheader at DongVong coal company • Determining the causes of obstacles in the stages of the work and other breakdown facing during the work using the AM-45.


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