Space Analysis in Orthodontics: 3D Representation of Study Models

Space Analysis in Orthodontics: 3D Representation of Study Models
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Язык: Русский
Evaluation of Space Analysis is a well-established diagnostic tool in the practice of clinical orthodontics. Knowing this before treatment begins, allows the clinician to discuss with the patient various treatment possibilities required to correct the problem which may include extractions of certain teeth, restorative buildup of undersized teeth, or inter-proximal reduction. The technological advancements are making their way into the field of orthodontics. Models can be stored and viewed on computers using Software such as emodel, OrthoCAD and 3Shape Ortho System. They make image retrieval faster and easier, eliminating the need for massive amounts of physical storage areas for plaster models. The technology also allows the clinician to effectively diagnose a case by including tools such as arch length discrepancy and Bolton’s ratio calculation capabilities.


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