Study of Urban Land Use Dynamics (A Geospatial Approach)

Study of Urban Land Use Dynamics (A Geospatial Approach)
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Язык: Русский
Although vast number of books have been written on urban land use dynamics/change. There has been an urgent need for a comprehensive case study which can incorporate the ground reality in the form of text. The aim was to bring a comprehensive yet fundamental and one which could be used by students of geography, planning and development authorities as well as the town planning departments in general. In addition to it the authors aimed at generating an impulse of using the latest remote sensing and GIS technique particularly among the traditional geographers who are at times hesitant towards bringing a paradigm shift in making the subject matter more interesting using this technology. The present book, “Study of urban land use dynamics (A geospatial approach)” attempts to integrate the use of the latest remote sensing and GIS technology with the process of urbanization taking place in one of the developing economies of the world. This book makes the urbanization scenario understandable with the help of maps carried out in the GIS environment using the latest GIS softwares.


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