Tales from The Thousand and One Nights: Step One A2 (+ CD-ROM)

Tales from The Thousand and One Nights: Step One A2 (+ CD-ROM)
Раздел: Авторы: A - K
Доступно в форматах: EPUB | PDF | FB2
Язык: Русский
A selection from the famous collection of Oriental stories, including the classic favourites Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sindbad the Sailor and others. This reader uses the EXPANSIVE READING approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explore historical background, cultural connections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as the story, this reader contains: Wide range of activities practising the four skills; Dossiers: Versions of 'The Thousand and One Nights' and Baghdad, the city of “The Thousand and One Nights”; KET-style activities and Trinity-style activities (Grade 4); Special AUDIO CD/CD-ROM with the text recorded in full and a variety of games and activities for further practice. Text adaption and activities by Jennifer Gascoigne.


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