Teaching ITIL to Technology Managers

Teaching ITIL to Technology Managers
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To better understand the motivations underlying this work, it is important to describe key aspects of my personal story in information technology services delivery and support, with an emphasis on my professional experience as it relates to this study. Some years ago, as a new manager for technology resources, I considered myself an agent for change, starting out with the assuredness that I would not make the same mistakes as the previous manager. I had risen up from the bottom, and as such, was confident that I had what it takes to ‘make things happen’ in my department. People were not happy working in the department but no one dared say anything because the manager was very vindictive once crossed. People did not seem to know as much about their job functions as I thought they did. … I began my first month with many meetings on setting the agenda for daily operations, and very optimistic about the future of the team. However, by the end of that first month as IT manager, those lofty goals were transformed into routine tasks such as dealing with tardiness, lack of productivity, low morale and grievance resolutions between antagonistic groups and individuals.


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