Teaching Learning Concepts in Calculus

Teaching Learning Concepts in Calculus
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Язык: Русский
Calculus is a get way to higher order mathematics. In most countries calculus is introduced as a process involving infinitely many steps which is a paradigm shift to students as their pre-calculus concept involves finite logical steps to solve a problem. This book consist the study examining students’ difficulties and misconceptions in learning concepts of calculus at preparatory secondary schools. Accordingly, students’ conception of concepts in calculus, students’ misconceptions, and factors influencing the teaching-learning of concepts were surveyed. Documentaries, classroom observation, and achievement test were the instruments used for gathering the necessary data.The book has a potential benefit to mathematics teachers in that it provides them information about their students’ possible misconceptions. Over generalizing a limit just as a function value, the perception that a function must be defined at a point to have a limit at that point, and that a discontinuous function must have an asymptote were identified as misconceptions students have formed.


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