The Carpenter's Lad

The Carpenter's Lad
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Язык: Русский
The Life of Jesus Christ depicted in a very unique and vivid way and in a very dramatic manner. The period of the story covers from 336 BC (Alexander and the Greek period) until AD 30 up to the resurrection of Jesus. God's divine plan to bring Greek and Roman empire to prepare the way for Messiah and Historical /political /social background of the world-especially the Middle East and Palestine-from the beginning of the Greek Period narrated in unique form. The story begins at the Qumran Valley Essene School at BC 36--beginning with the Tri-centenary celebrations of Alexander the Great regime’s memorial service. Through research work author has narrated Joseph and Mary's engagement ceremony, performed in Jewish customs and culture. Emotional sufferings of Mary after the visit of Angel Gabriel depicted in a realistic manner. The readers will be lost while reading the description of Jesus’ suffering in the Gethsemane Garden, feeling that they are part of it. Many of the miracles and parables are narrated in a realistic manner. Readers will enjoy the reading as it will make them ‘one-with-the situation’—almost the part of the happenings and will be blessed. Amen!


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