The Doctrine of the Trinity in John's and Paul's Theology

The Doctrine of the Trinity in John's and Paul's Theology
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Язык: Русский
The rudiments of the doctrine of the Trinity appear in the writings of John and Paul. Both now and historically it has been important to become familiar with these truths about the essence of God because certain heresies have surfaced that contradict the idea of the Trinity. Both John and Paul were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write truths about God. The doctrine of inspiration tells us that the Holy Spirit guided them in writing these truths, but the ideas were formulated through the individual, unique personalities of each writer. In both John’s and Paul’s writings we see the special relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit being three unique Persons, but one in essence. It is clearly shown that John and Paul ascribed deity to the Son and Holy Spirit as well as to the Father, and this is one of the most vitally important truths to understand in order to know the true nature of God. These important concepts are highlighted and compared and contrasted in this book.


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