The impact of the use of information systems on job satisfaction

The impact of the use of information systems on job satisfaction
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With the fast developing technological environment and with increased competition, firms are seeking competitive advantages that support sustainable business models. These changes are introduced in haste into the work environment. With the limited time available for employees’ adaptation, this human asset is still expected to perform and exceed expectations. However, the pressure to learn, adapt, change, perform, is increasing the work-stress and affecting employees’ job satisfaction. This document helps the reader gain insight into the relationships between information system usage and employee job satisfaction in the commercial banking sector of Lebanon. The factors tested are important to the understanding of the job satisfaction process for employees in general, and for commercial banking employees more specifically. The findings of this field investigation support the importance the information system usage in this work environment, and puts forth practical suggestions to bank managers. The manuscript is interesting to IS/IT managers HR managers, to seeking an answer as to which is more important, consideration for people, or consideration for work?


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