The role of Community Libraries in agricultural production in Uganda

The role of Community Libraries in agricultural production in Uganda
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The study investigated on’ the role of community libraries in agricultural production in Uganda’. This was suitable to the reality that a lot is done by various actors to avail agricultural information to farmers but access to this information by farmers, is still a problem. The role that community libraries in Uganda would play in filling up this gap has not been sufficiently recognized. The study was guided by three objectives; to examine farmers’ knowledge of community libraries as a source of information for agricultural production improvement, to assess the utilization of community libraries in addressing farmers’ information needs for agricultural production improvement, lastly to identify factors influencing farmers’ access and utilization of community libraries for agricultural production improvement. A cross-sectional study design was adopted. Data was collected through Questionnaires and key informant interviews. The overall finding, underlined the importance of well-organized agricultural production information provision and supporting access and utilization of such information through the establishment of community libraries.


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