Tourism on the lap of Himalaya : Sikkim

Tourism on the lap of Himalaya : Sikkim
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Язык: Русский
Sikkim is one of the most fascinating states of India, where peace and tranquility know no bound, the majestic Khanhchendzonga beams over like a crowning glory. This tiny Himalayan state is widely acclaimed for its amidst spectacular terrain, snowy mountains, luxuriant forests with exotic flora and fauna, sacred lakes, pristine glaciers, cascading waterfalls, holy cave, medicinal hot springs, roaring rivers and gentle streams. Holy, holistic and hospitality is the mantra and the way of living of the Sikkimese. Sikkim offers an equally remarkable variety in human cultures with ties reaching out beyond its boundaries deep into the heart of Nepal, Tibet and even the Golden Triangle. The ethnic diversity of the state and the socio-cultural and socio-economic dynamics of the ethnic communities have inspired many social scientists to take a closer look of the people of Sikkim. This book entitled “TOURISM ON THE LAP OF HIMALAYA : SIKKIM” is about the tourism dynamics of Sikkim Himalaya, its developmental pattern, eco-friendly dimensions of tourism and development of eco-tourism, environmental impact assessment, processes disaster management and sustainable tourism planning.


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