Training Needs Assessment Approaches In Higher Education Institutions

Training Needs Assessment Approaches In Higher Education Institutions
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Язык: Русский
The study investigated the effectiveness of training needs assessment approaches currently used in higher education institutions with particular reference to Masvingo Polytechnic. The research focused on employees’ perceptions of the effectiveness of training needs assessment approaches in identifying performance deficiencies and the need for training among employees. The research also sought to determine the link between identified training needs and the actual training provided in higher education institutions. A total of fifty-two employees provided data for this study. In order to gain a comprehensive analysis of the training needs assessment approaches, the research mainly used the descriptive survey design. Questionnaires, focused interviews and document analysis were used for data collection. Frequency tables, figures and percentages were used for data analysis. The results of the study indicated that the training needs assessment approaches were not very effective in identifying training needs among employees in higher education institutions. Most respondents regarded the approaches as average.


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