Using Internet as Pre-reading Activity to Facilitate Reading Skill

Using Internet as Pre-reading Activity to Facilitate Reading Skill
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Язык: Русский
The aim of the present study is to identify the impact of Internet on the reading skill of a group of Moroccan EFL first and second year University students. Specifically, it is geared to report students’ opinions about the use of Internet as a source of learning, i.e. using it for developing the reading skill. Also, it is achieved to investigate the potential effect of the use of Internet as a pre-reading activity on the subjects’ reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. Put differently, it aims at introducing what would hopefully prove for the students a more motivating and for teachers a more effective device of the reading skill. Additionally, The paper hopes to examine the extent to which the findings achieved elsewhere in similar studies about the effect of Internet (the use of motion images) hold true in the Moroccan context where English is equally taught as a foreign language.


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