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China’s rapidly emerging economy faces energy shortages and environmental challenges. Cities besieged by waste and brownouts are turning to the modern Waste-to-Energy (WTE) industry for help. The WTE process uses the endless supply of waste to create energy in the form of electric power, heat, liquid fuel and gas, while providing a solution to the dilemma of energy security, pollution and climate change. This book sets forth the standards used by law makers for recognition of WTE as a renewable energy source and the various economic incentives provided. It also explores the diverse interests of governments, WTE enterprises, investors and the public. It analyzes the philosophical and practical approaches of current legislation, as well as technological plausibility and operational feasibility. While the focus is on China’s burgeoning electricity market, the German and US markets are presented as comparative benchmarks in an effort to establish universal conclusions and recommendations. This work will prove especially useful to entrepreneurs entering into the explosive Chinese WTE market and as a guide for professionals investing in the Chinese renewable energy sector.


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