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The Ivory Tower In defence of tenacious philosophy: An essay

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Язык: Русский
Today the expression ‘ivory tower’ has a merely negative meaning and more than once, philosophers have been told to live into their ivory tower, withdrawn from real life. As a response philosophy shou ...

Plotinus and the One:

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Язык: Русский
In the philosophy of the Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus, the doctrine of conversion plays a vital role in the metaphysics of emanation. This idea of conversion is understood as the Intellect ‘touc ...

Реформирование Западного региона Советской России в 1918-1920 гг.

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Язык: Русский
В 1917 году Россия пережила системный кризис, затронувший все стороны общественного и политического устройства. Жесткую линию политики в форме диктатуры предложили и осуществили большевики. Утверждени ...

From Language to Music

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Язык: Русский
I consider this book a valuable contribution to the study of the lute repertory of the early sixteenth century and at the same time the first attempt at a repositioning of the lute repertory within th ...


Скачать книгу "Humanoid"
Язык: Русский
It seems a fair place to start; define our terms. Why something or someone artificially intelligent (or not)? The 'artificial' bit is easy. A thing, a device, an artifact of human construction may hav ...
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