Общие работы по физике

Time and Space is a Fiction - Only Distance is a Reality

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Язык: Русский
This book proves that Time and Space do not exist only Distance exists. It is clear from the Title of my book that Time is a fiction or in other words for an imaginary event, which means something tha ...

Оптика квантовых точек и квантовых ям с А(+)-центрами

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Язык: Русский
В последние годы возрос интерес к оптическим свойствам наноструктур, содержащих А(+)- центры и их акцепторные молекулярные состояния А(+)2- центры (аналог ионного состояния молекулы H2 в объемных полу ...

A study of Ionospheric F2-layer Frequency & GPS Total Electron Content

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Язык: Русский
This book presents the study of relationship between the Total Electron Content (TEC) derived from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and the critical frequency of the F2-layer of the ionosphe ...

Greatest Transformation in the History of Physics:

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Язык: Русский
GREATEST TRANSFORMATION IN THE HISTORY OF PHYSICS 1.-Demonstration of the falseness of Newton’s First and Second laws. 2.-Demonstration that every concept, principle, postulate, hypothesis, and exper ...

Unified Model of Universe and the Atom

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Язык: Русский
Modern physicists are seriously trying to couple quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity. Even some scientists are trying to formulate a quantum theory of gravity. The subject of black hole ...
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