Последние поступления
Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Hospital Efficiency
Раздел: Общие работы по социологии
Язык: Русский
Many developing countries have or are in the process of implementing decentralization of financial management systems. The reform can take various forms: self-financing or cost recovery through user c ...
Шаманизм в Новом Свете, П. В. Берснев
Страниц: 252
Год издания: 2015
Язык: Русский
Павел Валерьевич Берснев - антрополог, религиовед, этнограф, путешественник, действительный член Русского географического общества, автор ряда научных и научно-популярных книг. Более десяти лет П.В.Бе ...
Life is Not as Beautiful as Wedding Pictures
Раздел: Общие работы по социологии
Язык: Русский
This book explores the family crises of Bangladeshi transnational migrant community in Sweden and critically investigated how power was exercised and negotiated by different actors in ways that constr ...
Beliefs and Practices of Postpartum Mexican American Women
Раздел: Общие работы по социологии
Язык: Русский
The purpose of this ethnonursing study was to discover, understand, describe, and explicate the emic expressions, meanings, beliefs, practices, and experiences of postpartum Mexican American women liv ...
Self -Help Group Approach to Women Empowerment
Раздел: Общие работы по социологии
Язык: Русский
As in most parts of the world, Ethiopian women’s access to economic, social, political and other affairs’ opportunities is limited. With minimal access to formal employment, they are highly concentrat ...