Последние поступления
Historical Archaeology of the Big Five Gold Mine
Раздел: Геология. Полезные ископаемые
Язык: Русский
As early as 1866, a gold rush high in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northern New Mexico lured men, and a few women, to seek their fortunes in a remote landscape as rugged as it was breathtakingly ...
Микроэкология человека
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Макроорганизм и населяющая его микрофлора являются единой экологической системой, находящейся в динамическом равновесии, от которого зависит здоровье человека. Нормальная (симбионтная) микрофлора реаг ...
Spirulina platensis production using seawater media
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Spirulina, cyanobacterium popularly known as one of the blue-green microalgae. Spirulina serves a limited market in "health foods", cosmetics, biochemical reagents, and colorings, etc., Worldwide, the ...
Gut E.coli Induce Colon Cancer & E.coli K1 Cause Apoptosis In Gut Cell
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Escherichia coli is a gram negative normal inhabitant of human gut in large intestine. E.coliis responsible for three types of infections in humans: urinary tract infections (UTI), neonatal meningiti ...
Production of Protease from Bacillus sp.isolated from Natural Habitats
Раздел: Генетика. Микробиология
Язык: Русский
Alkaline protease producing Baciilus spp. were isolated from natural habitats of Lahore. Thirty eight isolates exhibited the prominent zones of clearance on skim milk agar medium at pH 10. These iso ...