Последние поступления
Academic Literacy Instruction
Язык: Русский
To succeed in a 21st century world, the ability to communicate, innovate, think, problem solve, and collaborate is essential. Citizens in a democracy need skill in using knowledge to make informed jud ...
Parental involvement in Child Development
Язык: Русский
A lot of work has been done in Early Childhood development and the involvement of parents and, because parental involvement is crucial in children’s development, a number of strategies to involve par ...
The Art of movement; Alternative ways to conceptualize concepts
Язык: Русский
This book focused on the effect and significance of a new teaching approach; “Role Reversal" approach-"RRA" - in educating in-service teachers' and student-teachers' in the Art of Movement Education. ...
Impact of Training on Teachers' Development of English Speaking Skills
Раздел: Общие работы по педагогике
Язык: Русский
This study was designed to explore the impact of EPT on primary school teachers’ development of speaking skills in English language. A case studies of two primary school teachers; one male and one fem ...
Linking Motivation, Self-regulation, and Achievement in Mathematics
Раздел: Общие работы по педагогике
Язык: Русский
This study was conducted in an attempt to integrate a number of cognitive, motivational and behavioral factors in elementary mathematics education, and to develop a theoretical model that explains the ...