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Walking the road of New Economy

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The significant development in information and communication technology around the globe in recent year has taken almost the form of a revolution. This so-called ‘e-revolution’ is said to be transform ...

Financial Sector Reforms And Economic Growth In Nigeria (1970 – 2009)

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This book offers an investigation to the links between financial sector reforms and economic growth in Nigeria. It discovered the channels through which financial liberalization contributed to the eco ...

The Acquirer and the Performance of Targets in Partial Acquisitions

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Determinants of the value of acquired firms were further examined by analyzing the effect of corporate governance and other characteristics of Japanese and US acquirers on the long-term performance of ...

Internet Banking

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Internet Banking is used by financial institutions such as commercial banks as a way in which its clients can access information and transact business without necessarily visiting their banks. However ...

A Feasibility Analysis of Marginal Trading System

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This research is done to find out how effective MTS introduction would be for the Pakistani Stock Markets. An evaluation of the existed products is conducted. A list of steps and methods which woul ...