Последние поступления
Assessing the role of foreign aid in the Economic development
Раздел: Общая экономика
Язык: Русский
The fight for independence in Africa was thought of giving Africans a chance to manage their own internal affaires and limited foreign intervention. Because the Europeans and other developed countries ...
Evaluation of Accounting Information Systems
Раздел: Бухучет. Общие вопросы
Язык: Русский
The rapidly changing business environment vis-a-vis advances in technology, and the tendency to market liberalization on a global level enhanced the need of manufacturing companies in Yemen to keep up ...
The English Department: Essays in Literary and Cultural Studies
Раздел: Общее языкознание
Язык: Русский
The formal beginning of English literature as a discipline is a contested site, if not shrouded by mystery altogether. Ben Jonson, Dr Johnson, Matthew Arnold—all these and many more can claim to be th ...
Environmental Characterization of Surface Paste Disposal
Язык: Русский
Surface paste disposal (SPD) has been proposed in the mining industry as an attractive option to conventional tailings and mine waste management methods, since it allows for a smaller tailings impound ...
Limits of International Law
Раздел: Международное право
Язык: Русский
Transformation of the GATT to the WTO in 1995 is successful. The Members comply the WTO’s concessions and other obligations more than the former GATT. The WTO Members are the utility-maximizers. Trans ...