HIV/AIDs Knowledge and Attitude Among People with Disabilities (PWDs)

HIV/AIDs Knowledge and Attitude Among People with Disabilities (PWDs)
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The study intended to establish the level of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes among the people with disabilities (PWDs) in North Kamagak location,South Rachuonyo District, Nyanza province (Kenya). The objectives of the study were to establish the level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS infection and preventive measures among PWDs, to find out how social stigma and discrimination towards PWDs hinders their accessibility to HIV/AIDS infection and preventive measures and to determine PWDs’ attitudes towards HIV/AIDS preventive measures. The findings reveal that level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS preventive measures among the PWDs is still low. There is evidence of social stigma and discrimination that makes the PWDs to shy off from HIV/AIDS infection and prevention delivery points thus most are unable to get access to corrective HIV/AIDS information and methods of prevention. Most of the respondents were quite informed that knowing one’s sero-status is a significant step towards the fight against HIV/AIDS, however a significant number of them had not been tested due to social stigma and discrimination in case they tested HIV positive.


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