Medical plants of Rushan district, GBAO, Tajikistan

Medical plants of Rushan district, GBAO, Tajikistan
Раздел: Ботаника
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Язык: Русский
A medicinal plant is one used by people for medicinal purposes – for building and maintenance of health, promotion of recovery from illness. In this book the author describes the medicinal plants use in one of the remotest area of the World – Rushan district, Gorno- Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan. The purpose of the work is documentation the utilization, management and conservation status of plants used for medicinal purposes in the Rushan district of Tajikistan, and exploration of local knowledge and beliefs about medicinal plants used in folk medicine. The book consist of information on researches completed on medicinal plants field from 19th century till present in the territory of Rushan district, Tajikistan. The author writes that use of medicinal plants for treatment of different illnesses of human and animals is connected to traditions and experience of local inhabitants of Rushan. The major threats to medicinal plants and conservation efforts are recommended in this book. The book is designed for wide range of audience, including medical and veterinary doctors, traditional healers, interested people, students and teachers of schools and Universities.


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