Кадры. Офис. Делопроизводство

Admission Crises in Nigeria Universities: Youth & Parents Challenges

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Gaining admission into any Nigerian University has been a big issue in the country with 70% percent of Nigerians who apply for admission to the university or other institutions of higher learning ever ...

Guidance and Counseling Services in Secondary Schools in Kenya

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This monograph provides research findings on guidance and counseling services in Kenyan secondary schools. The objective of the study was to examine student’s perception towards guidance and counselin ...

Effect Of Computer Assisted Instruction On Students Achievement

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Язык: Русский
The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) on the achievement of Junior High School (J.H.S) students in Pre-Technical skills. The study compared the ...

Socio-Economic Status and Academic Achievement

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The relationship between home-based environment factors and the academic achievement of students in selected secondary schools within in Guntur district is investigated. Samples were obtained with two ...

From Chinese Teachers to US Teachers

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There has been a relative paucity of research and theoretical investigations for foreign-born teacher candidates’ internship experiences outside of their country of origin. Particularly, how foreign-b ...
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